Tuesday 16 July 2013

Otak kiri otak kanan...Mitos?

Otak kiri otak kanan, atau dikenali sebagai lateralisation of brain function ini ialah satu mitos. Adakah benar?

Mari kita sama-sama membaca hal ini.

Left Brain, Right Brain: An Outdated Argument

The right-handed bias has always been evident in humans, but scientists now are discovering that it is not uniquely human. Monkeys and other primates prefer to hold food with their right hands. Courtesy of 123rf.com.
“I am definitely a left-brained person — I am not very artistic.” How many times have we characterized ourselves as either left-brained and logical people or right-brained and creative people? This popular myth, which conjures up an image of one side of our brains crackling with activity while the other lies dormant, has its roots in outdated findings from the 1970s, and it seems to imply that humans strongly favor using one hemisphere over the other. More recent findings have shown that although there are indeed differences between the hemispheres, they may not be as clear-cut as we once thought..........................

bacaan lanjut di http://www.yalescientific.org/2012/04/left-brain-right-brain-an-outdated-argument/


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